Monday, January 30, 2017

Evelyn’s Birth story

(Right before we left for the Hospital)

Today is the day that my doctor said he would induce me. I was a little nervous to go in to the hospital I had no idea what to expect. I woke up with a big shoulder spasm in my shoulder and didn’t sleep. So I was not excited for the day ahead because I was already in so much pain and so tired. I got up and started watching TV at 4 and the hospital called at 6:45am to tell me my induction time of 9:00am would be pushed back, not sure of the time but would call when they had a room available.
I was able to rest a little and get a blessing to relax and have a good birth, which I was so grateful for. We vegged around the house and relaxed until the phone call came at 10:00am for our induction time at 11:30am.

(Last family photo of us 2)
11:00 am we got to the hospital and checked in and were assigned to the room. We had to go through all of the tests to see what the next step would be to induce me. I was 0% effaced and 0% dilated…very depressed. Not even a smidge, not-a… zippo.  
(My doctor wanted me to start slow and not rush things because he didn’t want it to turn into a C-section if he could help it. )

It was a long time waiting to see what he wanted to do, but finally the nurse came in and said that we were starting with a suppository of Cytotec. This softens your uterus and lining to help the process speed up. The next 4 hours, we waited for something to happen…and nothing. No progress. My contractions started getting stronger but nothing that I couldn’t handle. We walked the halls for a few minutes to see if that would help. Got back and had another dose of Cytotec to see if that would help. The doctor came in later to check in and see how I was moving along and he just reaffirmed us that he wanted me to move slowly. (We were not happy as I thought I would get Pitocin when I first got there this morning) My contractions started to get a little more intense. So I was getting excited that I was making some progress (or so I thought).  The pain was getting a little bit more intense and I wasn’t able to sleep. So the nurse gave me some painkillers into my IV. I was able to sleep maybe 3 hrs, in and out. My contractions were getting so close together, every minute. I was getting so hot. Jeremy and my mom would switch spots from the couch and the chair to fan me with the cafeteria menu.

(Finally at a 10. Its GO TIME)
The nurse came in around 3am to give me more painkillers but this time around it didn’t work out as well. (I am so grateful to the technology we have so I could see on the monitor when the contractions were. It was nice to see that end of a contraction, so I could get a break.) The nurse came in at 5am and said the contractions are still too close together that we couldn’t start the Pitocin and that we need to wait another hour to see if they would lighten up. She finally came in at 6am to give me Pitocin…”Get the ball rolling”. I was having contractions every minute and they weren’t letting up. But finally we had an opening. The contractions kept getting more intense. After having them all night long 1 minute apart I was getting a little uncomfortable. The nurse came in 30 min. later because I thought my water broke. It was the weirdest feeling. But I was so happy I finally had made some progress. I had an opening before the nurses changed shift at 7am. My doctor was super nice and said I could get my epidural at anytime. So I chose to get it before the nurses changed. I am so glad that I did. My legs started to get heavy and I started to feel so much better. The new nurse Missy came in. She was the best nurse I could ask for, an angel. She didn’t think I was going to deliver during her shift but she was wrong. J She gave me the peanut pillow and I was able to get a few hours of sleep. She came in to check me at 9am and I was 100% effaced and dilated to a 4. She was shocked! I switched sides and started resting. She came in to check me at 11am and I was at a 9 ½. This baby was coming! She started getting the room ready and I was getting excited/nervous. It was almost show time. I started feeling pressure down there (it feels like you have to poop J haha) she checked me and the head was coming. We started doing practice pushes until she felt like I was ready to page Dr. Layton to come. I practiced pushing for 15min. Dr. Layton walked through the door. I saw that I was getting another contraction to start pushing. He came and got in position and I did one 2 big pushes and shot out at12: 18 pm. The umbilical cord was around her neck, but loose so he was able to untangle it fast. They put Miss Evie on my chest. It felt so surreal that she was here. That she was mine! I just delivered a baby! She was so perfect. It was amazing to see that once I started talking she knew me. She started looking up at me.

They took her away and started weighing her and all the other stuff that comes with that. Jeremy would not leave her side. And my mom was there taking all the pictures she could. I started get the shakes which were weird but they kept telling me it was completely normal. I wasn’t cold but could not stop shaking. They said it was hormones.  They brought her back over to my chest and we cuddled for a little bit, staring at her and loving her. We are so lucky to have a sweet angel straight from heaven. I know that she had multiple angels with her to send our way. She is very loved by those here on earth and on the other side. We love you Evie!

(Right after Miss Evie was born)
(Our family of 3. Life couldn't get any better)

(Our precious angel)

Evelyn Tapia

January 10, 2017

12:18 PM

7 lbs. 10 oz.

20 ½ in. long

Last Few Weeks of Pregnancy 

How far along: 39 weeks and counting

Size of baby girl/birth plan: We for sure know that we are having a little girl. The doctor estimates her weight around 7 lbs. – 7.5 lbs. She is so low and was hoping for some progress.  But I have not effaced or dilated at all… so sad. Not even a smidge. NOTHING…the birth plan is to have vaginal birth with an epidural. My amazing doctor in Utah told me, “if I want to be happy when I see my baby, I should get one” That was the plan. Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly and that we don’t have to get a C-section. If we do I have no idea what to expect. So prayers would be appreciated.

Weight Gain: I’m pretty sure I had a false positive on my Gestational Diabetes test. But I think it was a blessing in disguise because I didn’t gain as much weight as I thought I would. Everyone said their first pregnancy they gained the most. So I am ok with my number and the Doctor said a lot of it is water weight because of my swelling.

Stretch Marks: Yes…not until week 35. I thought I was doing so well, but they come up on ya.

Maternity Clothes: Heck yes! I also stole a couple pair of Jeremy’s sweats. I usually wear leggings/jeans and a tee shirt or a dress. My stomach is getting so big that I forget how big. I accidentally run into the table or the door thinking my stomach is small enough to fit. I forget my tummy is hard and I can’t suck it in anymore.

Food Cravings: After Christmas, I have been craving captain crunch, which is my favorite and comes with my stocking each year. Ever since then I have had more of a sweet tooth then I ever have this whole pregnancy.

Symptoms: She keeps moving on my nerves when I walk and making my leg go numb. It’s the worst when I am grocery shopping, so I have been getting the motor carts to go shopping at Wal-Mart and Target. Everyone looks at me so funny but it is starting to get worse as I get farther along. My cramps have been getting stronger and more consistent.

Belly Button, in or out: It has been an innie for the most part until these last few weeks. It has become an outie lately. Every time I laugh it sticks out more.

Movement: Little miss is moving like crazy. She has had some days were she hasn’t moved as much an I have had something sweet/cold (Dr. recommended) if she still hasn’t moved by then, we have gone to the hospital to make sure everything is ok. She then will show off once the doctors put the monitors on her or wake her up with the vibrate tool they put on the belly.

Sleep:  Not really! Haha I get up 4-5 times to go to the bathroom. She is always the most active at night. I really hope she doesn’t have her nights and days mixed up when she finally arrives. I guess time will tell. They say get your sleep before she comes, but its kind of impossible with how much she moves and kicks my bladder.

Best Moment: Getting everything set up for her to come. The hospital bags are packed. My doctor said I would be induced on my due date, which made me SO happy! I am so ready to meet her. Everyone else I know who is pregnant with their first baby has gone into labor before me…so I think it’s my turn. Haha I don’t want to wait 1-2 after. So I am so glad he made the call to the hospital. It’s a done deal!

What I'm looking forward to: Being able to bend over. Get in the car easier. EXERSIZE! I love my belly and the miracle of childbirth. I know I will miss it, but at the moment I am excited to not have a belly. I can’t wait to meet our little girl and enjoy all the first. I’m excited to meet her and hold her. To see what her personality is like and who she looks like etc. Anything and everything!